Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Heroism Essay

My definition of a star is a person who makes wonderful and brave accomplishments or puts themselves in order to save someone. Gilgamesh is a superhuman with characteristics that former(a)s envied. He built a great urban center wall to defend his people from external threats and traveled to disturb Utnapishtim, the sage who had survived the Great Deluge. Gilgamesh truly fits my description a hotshot. nonp beil example of a hero would be a firefighter. Firefighters nuclear number 18 brave and they sacrifice their lives for another(prenominal). Jumping in and go forth of burning, peradventure collapsing buildings is a very unafraid act. Firefighters are not entirely doing a job; they are at battle and at war. They may just misplace sometimes only when pull up stakes always be honored. It is an intense and dangerous duty requiring strength, compassion, sacrifice, and dedication. some other example would be soldiers at war. A soldier isnt automatically a hero beca use he or she puts on a uniform. Being a hero requires going to a higher place and beyond what is expected. Surviving against the odds, completing an unattainable mission, giving your behavior to defend people; those matters are heroic. very few may think so, but believe it or not teachers are heroes. If there were no teachers, there would be no educated students nor schools.
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Schools are, in most cases, the only thing keeping an teemingness of children put of trouble. If we not at school, who knows what we would be doing with our lives. School as a whole has saved many an(prenominal) lives and makes our world a better place and it would be nil but another useless building without t he wonderful teachers inside. My hero is my! step-mother who has interpreted me out of a lot of bad situations and taken up for me and had my vertebral column since day one. She is my role cast and my best friend. We work our ups and downs but what great relationships dont. I wouldnt trade her for anything in the world. In conclusion, a hero is someone who should be inured with all the love, gratitude, and respect we have to give.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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