Thursday, September 19, 2013

Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou, originally Marguerite Johnson at birth, blossomed into a talented and self-made woman. She became a sophisticate, professional singer and dancer, published author, and an overall smart person. She learned to intromit herself even if others did not. Unfortunately, the journey to self-acceptance proved to be difficult, painful, and lonely for Maya. As a child, she lived with her nanna and felt scorn as she suffered through discrimination. Some events in her teenage desire time and early adult years forced her to break down autonomous early in life and to do disastrous things that move her self-confidence. Once she settled, Maya embraced her many talents and entrap other pack that would accept her and look beyond her deep skin polish and confused past. In I Know Why the Caged skirt Sings Maya struggled the most with segregation and feeling unloved. Her grandmother, when asked if she loved Maya, replied with, God is love. that pose about whether youre be ing a devout girl, thusly He will love you. (Angelou 57.) Thankfully, she had her brother, Bailey, who stuck up for her if others taunted her. He did not allow others to make her feel insecure. Every side authentic day, she dealt with her grandmothers strict ways and feeling unequal amongst honour people.
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She envied them to a point where she felt she could only achieve apricot if she had white skin. Wouldnt they be surprised when one day I woke out of my total darkness ugly dream, and my real hair, which was long and blond, would bump off the place of the kinky green goddess that Momma wouldnt let me straighten? My light-blue look were going to hypnotize themBecause I was really w hite and because a cruel fairy stepmother, w! ho was clear jealous of my beauty, had turned me into a too-big Negro girl, with nappy black hair, broad feet and a lacuna between her teeth (Angelou 2.) Maya came to hatred herself and her insecurity rose when she was pillaged at a two-year-old age. Through her imagination (and later, through music) she found refuge and...If you regard to get a full essay, put in it on our website:

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